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Dance Instructions

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Apply House
Duple Minor
As Dance
Circle four to identify starting Duple Minors.
A1: Men Back: Men back a double in duple minor lines, turn single back into lines
Women Back: Women back a double in duple minor lines, turn single back into lines
B1: Right hand star, cast into lines: Right hand star half way around
All turn single
Top position couple casts out and down around bottom couple to end up facing up the set improper,
while bottom position couple follows the top couple around (by gender), ending up 4-across in lines facing up the set
A2: Up a double, cast Home: Up a double
Back a double with ends folding in to touch hands, in an improper top position
Bottom position couple cross by right shoulder
while top position couple egg beater (up-out-down the set) then cross by right shoulder
Dance is repeated from new position until either the musicians or the dancers get sick of the dance.
Honor all

Ashford Reunion
3 Couple Longways
A1: Up a double: Up a double and back, that again
B1: Chorus: Everyone face right along the major diagonal. 1st woman and 3rd man skip to the other's place. While that is going on, the others (1st man & 2nd woman, 2nd man & 3rd woman) will set to each other and then exchange places by a two hand turn.
Everyone turn single.
Facing your new partner, set, exchange places by a two hand turn, and turn single.
A2: Siding: Side with your new partner, that again
B2: Chorus: Chorus as above with new 3rd man and 1st woman doing the skip around;
Everyone else set and exchange
All set and exchange
A3: Arming: Arm right & left with new partner
B3: Chorus
Twice through, Honor all

2 Couple Circle
A1: In 2, Out 2, In 2, Pull: (8 counts)
Jump forward 2 counts,take corners by 2 hands
Jump out 2 counts, Jump in 2 counts,
Short back for 1 taking corners right hand, pull past for 1
A2: Skip: (24 counts)
skipping with Partner by right hand (8 counts)
walking with Opposite by right hand (8 counts)
skipping with Partner by right hand (8 counts)
A3: Crosses: (32 counts)
Men change places while Women turn single (4 counts)
Men button hook while Women change places (4 counts)
set & turn to partner (8 counts)
Men back while women change places (4 counts)
Women turn single while men change places. (4 counts)
set & turn to partner (8 counts)
A4: set & turn 1½: (24 counts)
Set to partner then turn 1½ times around (8 counts)
Take opposite out a double, back a double into set,
On count 3 swing right arm back and take partners right hand on 4. (8 counts)
Turn Partner 1 turn men pushing women on last count for a turn. (8 counts)
A5: Back a double, in a double, set & turn (16 counts)
A6: Womens' Shuttle: (16 counts)
Slip to change places with your partner, and back. Person going right goes behind.
Turn Opposite once around
A7: Womens Funky Head nod: (24 counts)
Women take 2 steps in, nod and small turn out while men wait.
Men do figure 8 around women starting in front of then around corner women.
Note: when men meet between women pass by left shoulder (go past other man).
A8: Pousettes: (many)
Take corner by 2 hands. Men push women with a jump (2 counts)
Couples jump to right (2 counts), Again (2 counts)
Women push men with jump (2 counts)
set & turn, (8 counts)
½ Women's shuttle to home, women behind (4 counts)
Fake Pousettes: Take corner by 2 hands. Men push women with a jump (2 counts). Women push men back to home. (2 counts)
A9: set & turn (8 counts)
A10: Cast & Cast: (16 counts)
Corners take near hands while facing presence.
Do large Cast figures with "Tops" casting to bottoms.
Repeat back to original position.
A11: Closing: (8 counts)
Cross right shoulder with corner, Left with partner, turn Women and bow to Presence.

Bobbing Joe

Medium +
2 Couple Longways
A1: Up a double: Up a double, that again
set & turn, that again
B1: Shuttles: 1st Couple half shuttle In, 4th Couple shuttle Out, 4 hands half way.
That all again
C1: Snaps: Men Snap & Exchange (All in 2), Women Snap, Men, Women
A2: Siding: Side, that again
set & turn, that again ending close to partner
B2: Bobbing Joe Figure: Back 2, Forward 2, Tops cast while bottoms walk forward, ending close
That all again
C2: Cross Partner: Cross with Partner, 4 hands half way around
That all again
A3: Arming: Arm Right, Left
set & turn, that again
B3: Men Back: Men back a double holding inside hands, turn into place
Women do the same
C3: 4 sided box: Exchange in lines, partner, lines, partner, all by rights.
Honor all

Duple Minor
This is a duple minor progressive dance, men and women in lines facing each other. Start by taking four hands round from the top to know who you are dancing with the first round. The couple to the head of the set is the A couple, the couple to the bottom of the set is the B couple. All couples will progress down (or up) the set remaining as the A couple (or B couple) until they reach the end. The end couples alternate being "out" and then re-enter the dance in the opposite position (A's become B's at the bottom, B's become A's at the top)
A1: Shaw side your partner
Back to back with your partner
B1: Shaw side in line (A men with B men, A women with B women)
Back to back in line
A2: Take two hands in line, swing once and a half around to switch places (you've now progressed)
Turn your partner by the right hand once around, fall back into line proper
B2: A couple will skip a figure 8 around the B couple.
B3: B couple skips a figure 8 around the A couple.
Dance is repeated from new position until either the musicians or the dancers get sick of the dance.

Confesse, his Tune
4 Men, 2 women
See Note
Note: This dance is done in 2 lines facing each other both with 2 women and 1 man as such:
         - - - Left Wall - - -
 W(3rd M)   M(2nd M)   W(1st M)   Audience
 W(3rd W)   M(2nd W)   W(1st W)   Audience
         - - - Right Wall - - -

As can be seen, the lines "point" to the audience. With the positioning being done as if the 1st couple was facing the audience. 1st man's position, left wall and right wall being determined by this.

A1: In: In a double, that again
B1: Lead Out: Men go between 2 women to their right and lead out holding hands,
all turn right and lead back holding hands
Do 2 hand turn with person you are facing
Men take their own out, back, 2 hand turn
A2: Left Wall: Both lines face "Left Wall" and take 8 small steps out
All do right turn and take 8 small steps in
B2: Arches: All do right single turn
1st woman and 2nd man face and do small step away from each other (2 counts)
then small step in and form arch with hands (2 counts)
Other 4 people do left single turn (4 counts) while arch is forming, form circle around 2nd man and circle (4 counts)
2nd Arch: All do right single turn
2nd woman and 3rd man face, back and in to form arch
while other 4 people do left single turn and circle around 3rd man
A3: Right Wall: Same as Left Wall, except right (Duh)
B3: Women out, Men Teardrop: Women lead out in pairs while men do 8 count circle over right shoulder
Women Circle: Women do 8 count circle while Men do right turn single then left turn single
Women out, men teardrop
Men Circle: Men take 2 hands and do circle(s) while women do right turn single then left turn single
A4: In a double, that again.
B4: Cast and Dive: Men take 3rd women's inside hand and lead them up set while 1st women cast down
Men lead back while 1st women go under arch of couples
Each "Couple" do 2 hand turn
Men take 1st women's inside hand and lead them down set while 3rd women cast down
Men lead back while 3rd women go under arch of couples
Each "Couple" do 2 hand turn ending with 2 lines open toward audience

Cuckolds All A Row
2 Couple Circle
A1: In a doubles: In a double and back, That again
B1: Face your opposite, turn over your outside shoulder, blow a kiss to your partner, gyp your opposite.
End gyp facing your partner, turn over the outside shoulder, blow a kiss to your opposite, gyp your partner
A2: Siding: Side your partner
Side your opposite
B2: Crosses: Men cross (change places), women cross
Four hands around (a slipping ring of all four though a full circle)
Women cross, men cross
Four hands around
A3: Arming: Arm right your partner
Arm left your opposite
B3: Pousettes: Pousette with your opposite half way around, men pushing women
Gypsy (men run, casting out over right shoulder, back to improper place while women chase)

Pousette the rest of the way around, women pushing men,
Gypsy (men cast over left shoulder, back to place, women chase)
Honor all
sometimes done twice

3 Couple odd
A1: A1 Stuff
B1: B1 Stuff
Honor all

Fain I Would
4 Couple Circle
Note: Imagine a line separating Head & foot Men from their partners. All look across this line and that is "Across the set".
A1: Lead Out: Out a double, In a double.
Changes: (This is done a lot!): Change places with Corner by 2 hands
Change places across the set by 2 hands
Out a double again with new Partner
Changes: Change places with Corner by 2 hands
Change places across the set by 2 hands (You should be home)
B2: Heads in, take sides: Head & Foot couples in a Double,
Take hands with their Corners and back a double in newly formed lines.
Middles arm right across set while ends arm right with ends
Sides (in H/F Positions) in a double, take hands with H/F and back into lines
Middles arm left across set while ends arm left with ends back to place.
A2: Siding: Side with Partner
Changes: Exchange with corner then across set
Side with new Partner
B2: Head & Foots cast: Head & Foot people do small cast around nearest side, and fall back into place while sides follow
4 hands around
Sides do small cast around nearest H/F and fall back into place while H/F follow
4 hands around
A3: Arming: Arm R with Partner
Arm L with new Partner
B3: Head & Foot backhand ring in middle, sides skip: Head & Foot do backhand ring in middle (slowly) 1½ times around while Sides skip Counter-clock wise 1½ times around
Exchange with Left shoulder with corner, with sides into back hand ring while Head & Foot skip Counter-clock wise around 1½ times around home and Out into Square when back to place
See note below for teaching.
Honor all
Teaching Note: This is how I (Jay) teaches the A3 figure above teaches this figure.
"Take Corners inside hand and stand close to them.
Point across set.
You will do a left hand exchange with this person at that point and exchange places after going around the set 1½ times.
Head & foot will do a slow backhand ring while sides skip Counter-clock wise around set.
After the exchange, sides do backhand star clockwise while Head & Foot skip Counter-clock wise home."

Fine Companion
4 Couple Square
A1: In a doubles: In a double and back, set & turn, That all again
B1: Mens Circle: Men in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Women in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Men circle around in center

Womens Circle: Women in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Men in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Women circle around
A2: Siding: Side your partner, set & turn; that all again
B2: Head & foot Circle: Head & foot couple in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Side couples in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Head & foot circle around

Sides Circle: Side couples in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Head & foot in 2 steps and out 2 steps
Sides circle around
A3: Arming: Arm right, set & turn
Arm left, set & turn
B3: Men in, 1½, Women skip: Men into center, turn 1½ around to face out - stay there
Women skip clockwise around men

When you reach your partner, cut across left shoulders so women go into center while men come out. Women turn once and a half to face out while men do a button hook turn. Men skip clockwise around circle back to woman. Lead her out of center
Honor all

Gathering Peascods
4+ Couple Circle
A1: Circles: Everyone circle left, turn single
Everyone circle right, turn single
B1: Mens slipping ring:Men in and slip left for 12 counts.
Fall back where you are.
Womens slipping ring: Women same as men fall back with partner on your left.

Note: While men sometimes like to see how far they can go, it it best to not do this in a large (6 or more couples) set. In smaller ones only go fast if you can go 2 (or 3) complete times around.
C1: Mens worship: Men in a double, clap,
Men out while women in a double, women clap,
Women out while men in a double, men clap, turn single out
Womens worship: Same as above only women first and last
A2: Siding: Side your partner, turn single, That again
B2: Women's slipping ring
Men's slipping ring (fall back with partner on your right)
C2: Women's worship
Men's worship
A3: Arming: Arm right, turn single
Arm left, turn single
B3: Mens slipping ring
Women's slipping ring
C3: Men's worship
Women's worship
Honor all

4 Couple Longways
A1: Up a doubles: Up a double and back, that again
B1: Cast and cast:1st couple casts over their outside shoulder to bottom of set,
All other couples lead to top of set and cast towards bottom.
At the bottom of the set, head couple meets facing down the set and
Recasts to top of set, all couples following
Often called a butterfly cast
A2: Men Half Way around: Men slip step behind women, stop and slip step back
B2: Cast and cast
A3: Women Half Way Around
B3: Cast and cast
A4: Men All the Way Men slip step behind women, keep going around bottom of set back to place
B4: Cast and cast
A5: Women All the Way around
B5: Cast and cast
A6: Men's circles: circle 8 counts to the left in a slipping ring, then 8 counts back
B6: Cast and cast
A7: Women's circles: as men's above
B7: Cast and cast
A8: Grand circle: all take hands and circle 8 counts left then 8 counts right
B8: Cast and cast
A9: Men's hey for 4
B9: Cast and cast
A10: Women's hey for 4
B10: Cast and cast
A11: Grand hey: ends face ends, middles face middles,
Around the set passing by alternating right and left shoulders until home
B11: Cast and cast

Note: This is a very active, long dance. There are some groups who shorten it by doing the half way around slips for men and women at the same time, all the way around slips at the same time, circles at the same time, and heys for 4 at the same time. The advantage is that the total dance is shorter, the disadvantage is that the long version lets the opposite set catch their breath while the other is doing a figure.

3 Couple Longways
(See Note 1)
The Hunt is Up
(See Note 2)
Note 1: This is a three couple long ways dance, with 2nd couple improper.
 W(1st W)   M   W
 M(1st M)   W   M

Note 2: This dance is currently done to the tune "The Hunt is Up" as the original Greenwood tune is considered boring.
A1: Chorus: In a double and back, set into the middle, turn once and half to face out,
Out a double, turn and in a double back to place, set & turn
B1: Siding: Ends side in the line (1st and 3rd women, 1st and 3rd men),
middle's with middles's (2nd couple).
set & turn to next siding

2nd Side: (men to their left, women to their right, so 1st couple sides together while
2nd man and 3rd woman side and 2nd woman and 3rd man side);
All set & turn to next side

3rd Side: (men to their right, women to their left, so 3rd couple sides, while
1st woman and 2nd man side and 1st man and 2nd woman side).
All set & turn to face center of set.
A2: Chorus
B2: Arming: Arm as you sided, no set & turn,
Instead, arm left and spin to next partner
A3: Chorus
B3: Circles: circle in line, set & turn
circle with centers going towards their left, set & turn
circle with centers going towards their right, set & turn
A4: Chorus
B4: Heys: hey in lines
2nd Hey: Hey first diagonal: middles to their left,
with 2nd woman heying with 1st couple as the head of the hey, and
2nd man heying with 3rd couple as head of the hey

3rd Hey: Hey second diagonal: middles to their right,
with 2nd man heying with 1st couple as head of the hey and
2nd woman heying with 3rd couple as head of the hey

The dance can end here or be extended in the "long" version
A5: Chorus
B5: Mens CirclesMen's circle, set & turn
Women's circle, set & turn
A6: Chorus
B6: Dogleg heys: (Bent Hey) Men's hey, with 1st man as head of the hey
Women's hey, with 1st woman and head of the hey
A7: Chorus
Honor all

Heart's Ease
2 Couple Circle
Multiple sets should be offset by 90°.
 W M   M W
 M W   W M

 M W   W M
 W M   M W
A1: In a double: In a double and back, That again
B1: Chorus: Back a double away from your partner, come in offering right hand,
give hand to opposite (corner) and turn by right hands around
back a double away from your corner, come in offering left hand, give
hand to partner and turn by left hands around
A2: Siding: Side your partner
Side your corner
B2: Chorus
A3: Arming: Arm right your partner
Arm left your corner
B3: Chorus
Honor all

Hyde Park
4 Couple Square
A1: Chorus: Head & foot in a double, clap, turn single out
Sides the same
B1: Heads in, Side arches: Head & foot couples slip in a double by two hands,
Take hands with opposite, slip out under arch formed by side couples,
Cast back to place,
All take partner by two hands and turn (lively)
Sides the same
A2: Chorus
B2: All pull, Heads skip: All take rights hands with partner
Head & foot pull by and skip, while sides form an arch improper.
Heads meet your opposite behind the sides, lead under arch & fall back improper.
Repeat, except sides pull by while heads for the arch (proper) and fall back to place (proper)
A3: Chorus
B3: Grand leer figure: Men skip around set passing in front of partner, weaving
(behind right corner, in front of opposite, behind left corner, back to place).
Women skip around passing in front of partner, weaving
(in front of partner, behind left corner, in front of opposite,behind right corner, back to place).
Note: Pryanksters do this dance twice, with Head & foot/side couples switching the second time through.

If All the World Were Paper
4 Couple Square
A1: In and Squeak: In a double, set & turn. That again
B1: Crosses: Head & foot men cross, Head & foot women cross
Exchange places with your partner by right hands then across the set
with your opposite by left hands (right your own and left to home)

Side men and women likewise
A2: Siding: Side your partner, set & turn. That again
B2: Head & foot in, out through side arches: Head & foot couples lead in, take opposite out under arch formed by
Side couples, re-meet your partner and do a two hand turn into place

Side couples do likewise
A3: Arming: Arm right, set & turn. Arm left, set & turn
B3: Paper hey or Scottish rights and lefts:
Head & foot couple exchange with opposites by right hand, then with partner on opposite side by left hands, then right again with opposite across the set. Final left hand exchange with partner back to place.
Note: Men are simply walking a clockwise circle alternating right and left hands, always turn into the center.
Women are walking counter-clockwise around the circle, turning around the center

Side couples do likewise
Honor all

Irish Lady
Duple Minor
(instructions below for four couples, set duple minor)

first time through
two duple minors active
A1: Up a doubles, Set & turns: Up a double, That again
set & turn, That again
B1: Gyps & Cross: Top man, bottom woman gyp 1½
Others gyp 1½
Top man, bottom woman cross home
Others cross home
Tops cast down and out while bottoms cast up and in
one duple minor active
A2: Pretzel figure: Tops cross down through bottoms, women first
Tops loop up outside bottoms
Tops pass by rights at top of set
Tops loop down outside bottoms and meet
Tops lead up through bottoms while bottoms egg beater
B2: Star & Cast: Right hand star Tops cast down and out while bottoms cast in and up
two duple minors active
A3: Gates, lines, Progress: Tops gate through bottoms to form end of line while bottoms form middle of line (4 counts)
Up a double and back
Bottoms (middles) move to top of set while tops (ends) cast down to bottom of set
B3: Cast & Cross: Bottoms cast out and down while tops cast in and up
Top man, bottom woman cross, others cross
Partners cross
Second time through
one duple minor active
A1: Up a doubles, Set & turns.
B1: Gyps & Cross
two duple minors active
A2: Pretzel
B2: Star & Cast
one duple minor active
A3: Gates into line, up a double and back
Fall back, cast to reset the set
Cross, cross, cross, set
Honor all
Notes: When set for four couples, tops and bottoms progress from active to inactive, but tops do not progress to bottoms, nor vice versa.

Jenny Plucked Pears
3+ Couple Circle
A1: Circles: Circle left (8 counts), set & turn single
Circle right, set & turn single
B1: Women in: 1st man puts his women in center (right hand to right hand)
2nd man puts his women in center
3rd man puts his women in center
Honor all and hold (4 counts)
C1: Men skip: Men skip clockwise for 12 counts, do a button hook turn for 4 counts, then skip counter clockwise for 12 counts, do a button hook turn for 4 in front of partner, take right hand to right hand
D1: Women out: Men lead their women out in the same order as they put them in,
Honor all and hold (4 counts)
A2: Siding: Side your partner, set & turn. That again
B2: Men in: With left hand to left hand, women put their men in the center in
the same order as they were put in
Honor all and hold (4 counts)
C2: Women skip: Women skip clockwise, turn, skip counter clockwise, turn to partner
D2: Men out: Women lead their partners out in order Honor all and hold (4 counts)
A3: Arming: Arm right w/ your partner, set & turn
Arm let w/ your partner, set & turn
B3: Women in
C3: Men Skip
D3: Women out
Note: Occasionally the C3 skip around has been replaced by a "Welsh" hey, which is the number 1 man takes off in any direction he pleases and skips for 16 beats, on beat 16 all turn and and the number 3 man is now in the lead, he must take them back the same route they came by to end up in front of their women on time. This is not often done on stage but is seen in street sets, and is usually agreed upon before the dance begins.

Kettle Drum
4 Couple Square
A1: In and Squeak: In a double (leap and squeak) and back, That again
B1: Women into center: Women right turn into center, offer right hand, men in, take hand,
Men "Push" turn women back to place, spinning women
Men into center:
Men right turn into center, offer left hand, women in, take hand,
Women "Push" turn men back to place, spinning men
A2: Siding: Side your partner, that again
B2: Into Lines: (Line goes through Head & foot men and their corners)
In a double into lines, back a double, in a double again.
Take two hands with person you are facing, exchange places,
Fall back improper into place, reforming square.
In a double
Women's gypsy: (women cast over left shoulder and skip back to original place),
men following, forms a star pattern.
A3: Arming: Arm right, arm left
B3: Slip in, Slip out, Kiss off: Take two hands with partner, slip in for 2, out for 2
Kiss them on the cheek, Turn out towards corner,
Meet them and do a two hand turn all the way around
Then with corner, slip in for 2, out for 2, kiss them
Turn out towards partner, meet them and do a two hand turn
Note: Pryanksters does this dance twice with 2nd "Into lines" (B2 figure) through side men & their corner
All else is the same

Madge on a Cree
(The exploding wizard)
4 Couple Square
Lili Burlero
A1: In and Squeak: In a double leap and squeak (or "woo") and back,
set & turn
All That again
B1: Mens Backhand Ring: Men's back hand ring, turn your corner by two hands
Women's back hand ring, turn your partner by two hands
A2: Siding: Side your partner, set & turn, That again
B2: Men's J hook: Men's J hook (men skip in front of their partner, behind their far
corner and into place beside opposite.
Women's worship (in a double, clap and squeak, turn single out)
Men fish hook home
Women's worship
A3: Arming: Arm right your partner, set & turn
Arm left, set & turn
B3: Spinning: Turn your corner by two hands, women end up in the middle turning
single while men move clockwise to next women, turning her by two hands, etc.
Repeat until you are back to your own partner, keep turning by two
hands until the music stops or until you drop (which ever is first).
Honor all

Maiden Lane
3 Couple Longways
A1: Up a Doubles: Up a double and back, That again
B1: Slip left, slip right, hey in 8
All set & turn, that again
A2: Siding, end close: Side your partner, that again
On 2nd side, end close for next move
B2: Back, in and Squeak: Back a double, in a double and cross lines jumping on 8
Back a double, in a double to cross lines back to place
All set & turn, that again
A3: Arming: Arm right, clap
Arm left
B3: Switches1st man switches with 2nd women, all else stay still
all else switch - 1st woman, 2nd man; 3rd couple with their partner while 1st man and 2nd women turn single
1st man with 3rd women (who is in 3rd man's position), all else stay still.
All else switch - 2nd couple who is now 1st switch with partner so
they are proper, 1st women and 3rd man switch.
While this occurs 1st man (now 3rd) and 3rd women (now 2nd) turn single. Everyone has now progressed.
set & turn, that again
Continue from there, usually 3 times through

Merry Merry Milkmaids
4 Couple Longways
A1: Up a doubles: Up a double and back, set & turn, All That again
B1: Shuttles: 1st and 3rd couple shuttle down between 2nd and 4th who go
Out and slip up. 2nd and 4th then come back down between 1st and 3rd who
Go out and slip up.
Grab hands in line and fall back a double and come in
Right hand star- 1st and 2nd couple; 3rd and 4th couple
Shuttle again
Fall back in line, come in
Middles do a right hand star while end couples turn by right
A2: Siding: Side your partner, set & turn, All that again
B2: Casts: Men cast down to invert their line
Women cast down to invert their line
All set & turn
Men cast back to place
Women cast back to place
All set & turn
A3: Arming: Arm right your partner, set & turn
Arm left your partner, set & turn
B3: Mens Hey: Men fall back a double in line, holding hands, come in and do a hey for 4, making wide turns
Womens Hey: Women fall back a double in line as above, come in and hey
Honor all

4 Couple Square
A0: Honors: Honor partner on beat 1 before movement (4 beats), honor corner on beat 5 before movement (4 beats)
A1: In and Squeaks: In a double, leap and squeak, Out a double
Sets: Set to partner, turn inside to set to corner
B1: Arm right, mens star: Arm right with partner 1¼ time around (8 beats)
Men walk left-hand star in center while women skip clockwise (16 beats)
Arm left with partner 11¼ time around (8 beats)
Women walk right-hand star in center while men skip counterclockwise around (16 beats)
A2: Side partner, pass: Side partner
Reverence (Fancy Bow with legs) to partner, walk past by left shoulder
Side opposite corner (new partner)
Reverence, walk past by left shoulder
B2: Heads in, form arches, sides cast: Heads and feet in a double (4 beats), turn toward center and walk out (2 beats) to form outward-facing arches while sides wait until beat 5 to cast away then meet their opposite on the outside of the arch facing inward
walk in through arch on beat 9, join their partners on beat 13 and back a double to their pre-arches position

Sides in a double (4 beats), turn toward center and walk out (2 beats), form outward-facing arches
while heads and feet wait until beat 5 to cast away then meet their opposite on the outside of the arch facing inward,
walk in through arch on beat 9, join their partners on beat 13 and back a double to their pre-arches position
A3: Arming into lines:Arm right with new partner (opposite)
Arm left 1½ times around
Arm right with new partner (corner)
Arm left into center-facing lines through head couple's position
(Head and feet are at the ends of the lines while sides are in the middle of the lines.
B3: Second Line:Back a double, Forward a double, Turn single
Pass the person facing you by right shoulder, forming 2 lines facing
Head and feet in middle of lines while sides are at the ends

Back a double, Forward a double, Turn single Pass the person facing you (your partner for sides, your opposite for heads/feet) by right shoulder.
Honor all

Night Piece
Easy +
3 Couple Longways
A1: Up a doubles: Up a double and back, that again
B1: Cast and leads:
1st couple turns in and leads down to the bottom for 4 counts, does a small 4 count cast into 3rd place.
While they are doing this, 2nd couple casts out into 1st position
and 3rd couple casts out into 2nd position.
2nd couple leads down while 3rd and 1st cast
3rd couple leads down while 1st and 2nd cast
Everyone is now home
A2: Siding: Side your partner, that again
B2: Boot Lace:
1st couple pulls past each other by right hands, skips between 2nd and 3rd (women going first)
crossing over, then into 3rd place as 2nd and 3rd couple lead forward.
2nd and 3rd couple same until all are home.

Notes: It is important that women move quickly when skipping so that all get back to place on time for arming.
Also, 3rd couple needs to move slowly forward at first until 1st couple is past them.
A3: Arming: Arm right, arm left
B3: Switches (Maiden lane or "X" switches)
1st man switches with 2nd women (2 counts)
they turn single while 2nd man & 1st women switch and 3rds cross by right with partner.(2 counts)
1st man switches with 3rd women into 3rd man's position (2 counts)
they turn single while 1st women & 3rd man switch and 2nd couple (who is now 1st) will cross by rights. (2 counts)
All set & turn
This dance is progressive and usually done 2 or 3 times.

Picking of Sticks
3 Couple Longways
A1: Up a doubles: Up a double and back, that again
B1: Switches: ("V" or Triangle switches)
1st man switches with 2nd women while 3rd man turns single
then down to the bottom of the set by switching with 3rd man while 2nd women (in 1st man's position) turns single
All up a double
1st women switches with 2nd man while 3rd woman turns single
1st women continues down to the bottom by switching with the 3rd women while 2nd man (in 1st womens position) turns single
All up a double

Repeat with the person in 1st man's position (currently 2nd women) - it is still called
1st man's stitch.
Repeat until everyone is home
A2: Siding: Side your partner
That again
B2: Shuttles:
To remember order: the last shall be 1st and the 1st shall be last

2nd and 1st couple shuttle by the 1st couple taking hands and slipping down
between the 2nd couple who are moving to the outside and slipping up. The 2nd
couple then takes hands to slip down between the 1st couple who are slipping to the
top of the set - this is repeated.
While they are doing this the 3rd couple pulls across the set by right
hands to cross and skip to the top of the set, crossing again at the top,
women to the inside and then down the set to home.

They should arrive in time to begin the 2nd set of shuttles. Where the 3rd and 2nd
couple shuttle while the 1st couple pulls past to skip around the set. It is important
to remember that the 2nd couple always goes out for the 1st part of the shuttle
while the end couple takes hands to slip between.

(Having seen this seriously screwed up on stage enough times you know why it can be a
shuttle disaster)
A3: Arming: Arm right: arm left
B3: Men's sheepskin hey: The men weave in and out between the women, with the person in
the 3rd position turning back after passing the 2nd woman, and not going around the
3rd woman, until you are back in the original order. The 1st man then leads the way
around the back of the set to return to "home."

All set & turn

Women's sheepskin hey: Same as mens
All set & turn
Honor all
If the sheepskin hey sounds confusing, don't worry, it is. But it can also be fairly easily taught, and even when you screw it up, if everyone just keeps going it either fixes itself or everyone ends with a new partner, either way, the audience never knows.

2 Couple Circle
See note
Configuration Note: Multiple sets should be offset by 90°.
 W M   M W
 M W   W M

 M W   W M
 W M   M W
A1: In a doubles: In a double and back, that again
B1: Setting: Set & turn to partner, that again
C1: Chorus: Lead your partner out a double - out of the set and back, turn single
Lead your corner out a double - out of the set and back, turn single
A2: Siding: Side with your partner, that again
B2: Setting
C2: Chorus
A3: Arming: Arm right with your partner. Arm left with your partner
B3: Setting
C3: Chorus
Honor all

Saint Martins
2 Couple Circle
A1: In and slip: In a double, Slip Left, Slip Right, turn single (men over left shoulder) & fall back.
B1: In a double, pass right shoulder with corner, pass right shoulder with partner, turn single
Women continue turning single twice more while Men fall back, skip forward and turn each other by lefts
Turn Opposite by right hand.
Men turn single twice while Women fall back, skip forward and turn each other by rights
Turn partner by left hand.
A2: Stupid Set: In a double, pause, pass corner by right and set & turn with Opposite.
That all again to place
B2: Men offer hands: Men walk to center, offer hands palm up (4 counts)
Women walk in, take hands, 4 hands around
Everyone break away from circle, turn out to face center, women with small circle
Women walk to center, offer hands palm down
(turn out, women center and offer hand takes 4 counts)
Men take hands, 4 hands, turn single
A3: In a double, slip out, slip in, Gypsy: In a double, take hands with opposite. Slip out, slip in
Womens' Gypsy: Women chase men as men cast to their left in circle back to place, ending close
Back a double, switch with Partner
Gyps: Men ½ gyp for 2, women ½ gyp for 2, gyp with opposite for 4 back home
B3: Men in and shake: Men in, take right hands on 3, shake on 4. Women in right on 7, shake on 8
Star to place, everyone button hook to left, women with small circle.
Women in with left, Men in, star to place.
Honor all

Saturday Night and Sunday Morn
(See Note 1)
Duple Minor
(See Note 2)
Note 1: This dance is very irregular and doesn't follow the normal up-side-arm pattern
Note 2: Dance is usually done with 4 couples 3 times. The 2nd time through only 2 couples dance.
A1: Up a doubles: Up a double and back, that again
B1: Setting: set & turn single, that again (note this is the only place in this dance where you turn single after setting - and it feels very strange not to turn in the other places)
A2: Gyps: Gyp with your partner
Gyp with your side in the line
B2: Crosses, home: 1st man, 2nd woman cross, do a turn single while 2nd man and 1st women
cross; cross with your partner. (all crosses are by right shoulder).
Set (once and only once, no turn) this move causes 2nd to progress to 1st and
1st to move to 2nd
A3: Duck and dive: 1st couple takes near hands and walks up the set- forming an arch over 2nd couple who also takes near hands to go under the arch to walk down the set. This move is repeated with 2nd couple now making the top
arch and 1st couple walking under

Gates: Immediately after 2nd arch is completed, the 2nd couple (in 1st place) will put out their hand to grab the 1st couple and swing them around for gates.
B3: Triple Box:
1:cross your partner; 2:cross in line; 3:cross your partner
A4: Squeaks: Partners face into the set, take near hands and lead in a double, jump and squeak. Sides face out, take near hands, lead out a double, leap and squeak. Turn around, lead in a double, leap and squeak. Fall back a double, no hands, no leap, no squeak
B4: Triple Box
Start over with the new couple.
Ends are out and re-enter on the next go-round.


(Oil of Barley)
3 Couple Longways
A1: Out a double: Back (or out) a double and in
Up and double and back
B1: Mens' Star: End men step toward middle man with right hand extended while middle man steps back slightly.
Interlace hands by placing hand just above mans' wrist of man in front of you and do a clock-wise circle
Take 8 counts from start of steps to getting back into place.
All set & turn
Womens' Star: Women do the same as women except with left hand extended and counter clock-wise circle
all set & turn
A2: Siding: Side your partner, that again
B2: Slips into hey: Slip left for 4, right for 4, hey in 8 (very fast)
Slip right, slip left, Hey
A3: Arming: Arm right, clap twice
Arm left
B3: 1st couple cross by rights, set to 2nd couple set through, women 1st, set to 3rd couple, cast out between 2nd and 3rd couple, who turn single, 3rd man and 2nd women turn counter clockwise to spin them out.
1st goes back to the head of the set, kiss off/touch palms, cast out and around. Man catches women spins her out, all cast to invert the set.
Twice through, Honor all

29th of May
Duple Minor
A1: Pousettes: V pousette to swap positions with partner, top man, bottom woman push corners
Hop on count 8
V pousette back, top woman, bottom man push
There is NO hop here
B1: Crosses: Top man, bottom woman cross
Others cross Circle Clockwise 1½ for 12 beats back to place
A2: Gypsys: Gypsy, women casting left and men chasing (8 counts back to place)
Gypsy, men cast right, women chasing
B2: Stomps: Men stomp and leap
Women same
Set, no turn
A3: Spin into lines: partners take two hands
tops Clockwise spin 1½ times quickly
while bottoms Clockwise spin 1 time (4 counts)

tops cast out and down to form middle of line while
bottoms cast up and out to form ends of line (4 counts)
B3: Up a doubles and Honors: Up a double and back
That again
Still holding hands, tops (middles) honor bottoms (ends)
that again (both honors take 1 count each)
drop hands
A4: Spin and Progress: Tops (middles) take right hands, Clockwise turn 1½ (4 counts)
Tops cast up and around bottoms, progressing to bottom while
Bottoms progress to top
All that again
Honor all

4 Couple Square
A1: A1 Stuff
B1: B1 Stuff
Honor all


Prototype prepared by Spellbinder Systems Group
for The Merrie Pryanksters. All rights reserved
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Revised: 03/01/02