Deer Creek Morris

Performing English Ritual Dance with
Power and Precision

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May Day

Mayday is a strong tradition for Morris teams everywhere. The first of May has long been a day for celebration of the passing of the cold winter months, and the coming of spring. The days are getting longer, and the year begins its renewal.

Deer Creek starts the morning out with the Abbot's Bromley horn dance. The magical state that the Bromley creates in everyone present cannot be described, but it will echo softly in your bones and awaken your senses.  Even if you're not in the Bay Area, you can see the list of May Day Morris performances on the west coast of North America.

For more glimpses of the magic of May Morning, see this wonderful gallery from Nicolay Misharev (2008) or these terrific photos Matt Reyes (1999)!  As you can see we've been doing this a while...

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