Deer Creek Morris

Performing English Ritual Dance with
Power and Precision

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Guide to the 2000 Performance Season

Note: all items are subject to change - click to see the event or check with us to confirm details.

5-1-00  5:30a May Day morning, Baylands Nature Preserve, Palo Alto map.gif (1249 bytes) Come help us dance up the Sun on MayDay morning (we do it every year, and it always works - good thing, too!) and celebrate.  It's not so much that we believe the sun won't come up on Mayday without some dancing, it's just that if we didn't dance, and the sun didn't come up, we'd feel really bad.

If you haven't been out to see the sunrise celebration, give it a try. It's very beautiful, and while the sleepiness lasts only as long as it takes you to get there, the happy glow lasts all day! 


Stanford Bridge Faire, White Plaza, Stanford Campus

Late afternoon - pickup dance and Morris BBQ in Palo Alto

Stanford's traditional spring faire is our favorite faire, dancing with Mayfield Morris, Seabright Morris, and others. You'll find us over at the bookstore.
5-14-00 11:30
Ardenwood Historic Farm, 34600 Ardenwood Bl, Fremont map.gif (1249 bytes) Ardenwood is a lovely historic park in Fremont. The festivities include a may pole dance, which is great for kids (young and old).


15 min
Los Altos School Multi-Cultural Festival  


  Seabright Day of Dance, Santa Cruz It's off to Lighthouse Point along the beach for dancing with Seabright Morris and Sword in the home venue.  We often get into lots of trouble in downtown Santa Cruz, the wineries near Felton.  And Boulder Creek may never be the same.
6-13-00 evening Team meeting and elections Ok, this isn't a gig, but planning to dance is important stuff too!


8:00pm Cafe Borrone, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park map.gif (1249 bytes) It's our first local summer dance-out -  our annual tradition where we take local audiences completely unawares. 
  Lammas Ale, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, the great land north - we're off for an entire weekend of dancing, carousing, and things you must really leave the country to do.   What fun!

If you would like us to dance at your event, we're available for hire. Contact our squire for details.

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