Merrie Pryanksters
The English Dancing Master
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Picking of Sticks
Lead up all a double forwards and back. That again. First
man change places with the second woman then with the last man. Lead up as before. Then
the (first) woman change as the man did. Every couple doing this (until everyone is back
to place). |
Side all. That again. The first couple slip down between
the second, they slipping up, then the second slip down and the first up. All this again.
The last couple crossing over below, go up and cross above, fall to your places. The four
last slip and the first couple cross about. |
Arm all. That again. The women stand still, men going the
(Sheepskin) Hey between them, the last man going about the middle woman. Do thus three
times over. Then go quite round about all the women to your places. The women as much. |