pryanksters2.gif (100681 bytes) The Merrie Pryanksters
The English Dancing Master

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For 6. One side m, w, m. The other w, m, w.

Greenwood music

(Description  modified  to form A and B figures. The result is the same as Playford printed.)

Meet all back again, set and turn single. Lead from each other, change hands, meet again, set and turn single. The middle couple sides while the two men side with each other and the two women side, side all and turn single. Men side with the women on the left hand, set and turn single. As much with the women on the left hand, set and turn single.
Meet all as at the first. Arm all as you sided.
Meet all as at the first. Each three as you stand, hands and go round (in your lines), set and turn single. The middle man take the two on his left hand and go round, while the others do the like, set and turn single. As much with the two on the right hand, the others doing the like.
Meet all as at the first. Then the single Hey all as you handed round.
Meet all as at the first. Men hands and go round, set and turn single. women as much.
Meet all as at the first. Men the single Hey. We as much.
Meet all as at the first. (none)

Prototype prepared by Spellbinder Systems Group
for The Merrie Pryanksters. All rights reserved
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Revised: 03/01/02